1package com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.intel.bar.events;
5import com.fs.starfarer.api.Global;
6import com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.PersonImportance;
7import com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.econ.MarketAPI;
8import com.fs.starfarer.api.characters.PersonAPI;
9import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.ids.Ranks;
10import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.ids.Tags;
11import com.fs.starfarer.api.util.Misc;
23 if (this.market ==
41 person.setImportanceAndVoice(PersonImportance.VERY_HIGH,
42 person.addTag(Tags.CONTACT_TRADE);
43 person.addTag(Tags.CONTACT_MILITARY);
61 return "A Tri-Tachyon executive sits in a private booth, scrolling through " +
getHisOrHer() +
" TriPad. An untouched drink sits on the immaculate table.";
66 return "Throw some credits around like a big spender, to see if you can attract the executive's attention";
71 return "An impeccable Tri-Tachyon factioneer of completely indeterminate age has you invited to " +
73 getHeOrShe() +
" fills a glass from a bottle that looks to cost more than many starships.";
80 "\"The vintage predates the Collapse, you know,\" " +
getHeOrShe() +
" says. " +
81 "\"I enjoy the idea of owning a small part of history.\" " + Misc.ucFirst(
getHeOrShe()) +
82 " smiles, \"So let's talk about you.\" As " +
getHeOrShe() +
" lists detailed specifications " +
83 "and statistical trends regarding your career in the Persean Sector you make a mental " +
84 "note to have a discussion with your senior officers on the subject of " +
85 "information security. \"So,\" " +
getHeOrShe() +
" concludes, \"I'd like to see " +
86 "what you could accomplish with a short-term capital infusion of let us say %s. " +
87 "To incentivize the ruthless enterprise I so admire, let us say you would repay %s " +
88 "within %s days.\n\n" +
90 "You take this in as you sip your drink. " +
91 "It's a lot of money. You also consider that this Tri-Tach suit paid too much for the bottle.";
102 return new Color [] { Misc.getHighlightColor(), Misc.getHighlightColor(), Misc.getHighlightColor() };
107 return "Accept the deal and toast your joint venture";
112 return "Decline the deal, explaining that you're \"just here to network\"";
117 return "As the negotiations conclude, the Tri-Tachyon " +
getManOrWoman() +
" leans back, rolling the stem of " +
119 "\"You didn't accept my initial offer\", " +
getHeOrShe() +
" says. \"I find that reassuring.\"";
124 return "You leave the lounge rich in credits, having exchanged secure comm keys with the " +
125 "Tri-Tachyon shark and receiving the transfer immediately. Your head spins with plans " +
126 "for how to leverage your new assets - and a bit from the drink, you admit to yourself.";
static SectorAPI getSector()
transient InteractionDialogAPI dialog
void setMajorLoan(boolean majorLoan)
String[] getMainText2Tokens()
void regen(MarketAPI market)
void adjustPerson(PersonAPI person)
String getNegotiatedText()
Color[] getMainText2Colors()