1package com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.intel.bar.events;
5import com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.econ.MarketAPI;
6import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.PlayerFleetPersonnelTracker;
7import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.ids.Commodities;
8import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.ids.Factions;
9import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.ids.Ranks;
10import com.fs.starfarer.api.util.Misc;
21 if (!super.shouldShowAtMarket(
return false;
24 if (
market.getFactionId().equals(Factions.PIRATES)) {
42 return Commodities.MARINES;
47 return Factions.INDEPENDENT;
52 return Ranks.GROUND_SERGEANT;
69 return "A table of tattooed roughs who bear - to your discerning eye, mil-grade cybermods - are drinking alarming amounts of liquor.";
74 return "Join the table of tattooed roughs and see if their contract is up";
79 return "You prove yourself worth speaking to by partaking in a round of \"Atmo Drops\", " +
80 "a drink based largely on consuming eye-watering liquor as quickly as possible, " +
81 "with the mercenary band. They're drunk for sure, but are composed enough to speak " +
82 "around the precise details of why they're being investigated by local authorities.\n\n" +
83 "After a couple of the mercs head up to order a round of \"Orbital Bombardments\"," +
84 " their leader pulls you aside and sketches out a proposal. \"We've got %s suits, " +
85 "we fight in vac or black. I'll give you our contract for %s, " +
86 "and that's giving it away. Put us to work, or sell it off elsewhere, doesn't matter to " +
87 "me if you can get us outta this fix. What'dya say?\"";
96 return new Color [] { Misc.getHighlightColor(), Misc.getHighlightColor() };
101 return "Buy the mercenary marine contract and sneak them off " +
106 return "Decline the proposal, but stay for an \"Orbital Bombardment\" to soften the blow";
111 return "Some clever device provided by the mercs convinces the automated scanners that two " +
112 "particular cargo containers are half-filled with mildly radioactive silicate gravel " +
113 "and nothing else. Your logistics officer sneaks them aboard with no problems.";
118 return new String [] { };
122 return new Color [] { };
127 return "You wake up the next day in a small room above the bar with no particular memory of how " +
128 "you got there. How many more rounds was it with the mercs, one? Three?";
PersonnelData getMarineData()
static PlayerFleetPersonnelTracker getInstance()
void regen(MarketAPI market)
boolean shouldShowAtMarket(MarketAPI market)
Color[] getMainTextColors()
String[] getMainTextTokens()
Color[] getAcceptTextColors()
void doExtraConfirmActions()
String getPersonFaction()
String[] getAcceptTextTokens()