29 //final HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
30 // 1 Historian personal
31 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
32 @Override
33 public String getText() {
34 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
35 return "\" Sometimes I ponder what my life would be like in the Domain - an uncollapsed Domain? I suspect someone who goes needling " +
36 "around asking uncomfortable questions might get in trouble,\" " + hd.getHeOrShe() + " barks a laugh, then lowers " + hd.getHisOrHer() +
37 " face. \"Although I've managed to produce enough trouble for myself in the here-and-now, haven't I? If you don't anger the institutions, " +
38 "you're not doing good work, I think.";
39 }
40 });
42 // 2 Infernium
43 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
44 @Override
45 public String getText() {
46 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
47 return "\"Oh 'Infernium', yes yes. It's a bit of Luddic vernacular; refers to antimatter starship fuel, though what they mean, " +
48 "and here " + hd.getHeOrShe() + " stresses the word, \"is rather more. In certain texts the term encompasses all AM applications, " +
49 "or even all high-energy processes. 'The get of Mammon and Belial', one inventive firebrand called it. I like that one. I've always " +
50 "enjoyed the dramatic rhetoric of Luddic folk-preachers.\"";
51 }
52 });
54 // 3 Kanta
55 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
56 @Override
57 public String getText() {
58 //HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
59 return "\"Now I may be old, but there's older by far. If the records are to be believed - and I do believe, the Hegemony keeps very good records - " +
60 "then the pirate Warlord Kanta was born well before the Collapse. Or shall we call her ex-Domain Armada officer Jorien Kanta? " +
61 "Oh yes, she had a name like anyone else once. One wonders if it's very expensive biomods or periodic cryosleep that keeps her going. " +
62 "I'd love to find out...\"";
63 }
64 });
66 // 4. Andrada
67 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
68 @Override
69 public String getText() {
70 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
71 return "\"Hmm, history is not all study of 'great leaders', but one can't help but admire a narrative of glorious victory, hubris, and " +
72 "ignominious end. Philip Andrada, for instance,\" " + hd.getHisOrHer() + " gaze drifts into the past, \"I remember like it was " +
73 "yesterday. He embodied all that was proud and good in the Hegemony. Practically deified on every holo after defeating " +
74 "Warlord Loke; oh, how we celebrated at that news! It was the defeat of chaos itself, the dawn of a golden age. So it felt, once.\n\n" +
75 "His turn wounded us; it wounded the Hegemony itself, and very deeply.\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " nods to " + hd.getHimOrHerself() +
76 " and drifts back into some old memory.";
77 }
78 });
80 // 5. cryosleep
81 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
82 @Override
83 public String getText() {
84 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
85 return "\"I've considered cryosleep. Pay the fee, jump ahead a hundred cycles to see how it all turned out. As a historian, "+
86 "by the stars, it's quite an appeal. On the other hand - yes, yes - I know the statistics, the failure rates are low nowadays if " +
87 "you find a good vault. But it still scares me. You could just go to sleep and never wake up.\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " laughs darkly, " +
88 "\"Though that's every day, isn't it? Ah, I have too much work to do anyway...\"";
89 }
90 });
92 // 6 aliens
93 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
94 @Override
95 public String getText() {
96 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
97 return "\"Aliens! Hah. No, there's nothing well documented enough to be considered,\" " + hd.getHeOrShe() + " stresses this point, " +
98 "\"Legitimate History. Yes yes, if you want to experience xenolife, visit Jangala and take your pills and quarantine shower.\"\n\n" +
99 "\"But that's simply not what is meant, is it. We want there to be someone else out there like us, someone to talk to, someone to tell us " +
100 "we're not alone, someone to give us answers. Someone who cares. Perhaps we're looking in the wrong place? Or thinking in " +
101 "the wrong way?\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " dismisses the thought with a shake of " + hd.getHisOrHer() + " head. \"Eh, " +
102 "speculation. Not my trade.\"";
103 }
104 });
106 // 7 aliens again
107 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
108 @Override
109 public String getText() {
110 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
111 return "\"We've all heard the story about the Onslaught battleship, the only thing that can stand against the alien threat.\" " +
112 hd.getHeOrShe() + " scoffs, and waves a dismissive hand, \"As if we live in some milfic holo about brave heroes and vile villains. " +
113 "Grand historical context-breaking contact doesn't work that way, at least in our body of knowledge; it's more confusing, " +
114 "messy, chaotic. It undermines the entire cognitive-ideological basis of society. And always, so many die.\"\n\n" + hd.getUCHeOrShe() +
115 " gets a distant look for a moment, then breaks into a sardonic smile. \"Not so unlike the Collapse eh? Must be aliens.\" " +
116 hd.getHeOrShe() + " winks. \"For sure.\"";
117 }
118 });
120 // 8 Old Earth
121 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
122 @Override
123 public String getText() {
124 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
125 return "\"Old Earth, mother Terra. From whence we came, long gone. The Luddics aren't completely wrong in their stories, though " +
126 "they, hm, possess few qualms about 'improving' most details to appeal to a quotidian morale framing. The historical record " +
127 "is far more complex, far more difficult. Far more relatable in the end, I believe. Every day we survive by powerful " +
128 "technologies which any one of us barely understands and which may unleash truly apocalytpic destruction. Mistakes are made, " +
129 "tragedy results; it's only a question of scale.\"\n\n" + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " considers this for a moment, then begins mumbling " +
130 "a critical response to " + hd.getHisOrHer() + " own thoughts, \"But scale can indeed fundamentally change the quality of " +
131 "phenomena, hence the contextualization of the moral dimension, hmm, entirely! Hmm... \"";
132 }
133 });
135 // 9 technology
136 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
137 @Override
138 public String getText() {
139 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
140 return "\"Though we're freed from the Domain's technology restrictions - despite Hegemony attempts to carry on that legacy,\" " + hd.getHeOrShe() +
141 " gives a half shrug to their efficacy at this effort, \"- this age has not seen any great leaps of technological development. " +
142 "Why not? The ban has been lifted!\"\n\n" +
143 "Perhaps it is that development of highly complex, advanced technologies requires a stable foundation: a large population base with " +
144 "excess engineering and theoretical capacity, a willingness to devote resources to pursuits beyond mere survival. Or war. And yes, " +
145 "war drives investment of a sort. But imagine the possibilities if billions of credits had not been vaporized. Alongside so many foolish youths " +
146 "I once knew. " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " goes very quiet for a moment. \"Those old production chips and nanoforges offer a ladder with the " +
147 "middle rungs missing. We fight to be the one to reach for the top, doomed to fall.\"";
148 }
149 });
151 // 10 the Domain, gates
152 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
153 @Override
154 public String getText() {
155 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
156 return "\"The Domain split key industries into separate worlds, and yes, with redundancies - set well apart from one another. " +
157 "If one world which produces hyperdrives tried to leverage their specialization against the Domain, well, what good are they " +
158 "without raw materials? Or AM fuel? Or, indeed, the basic necessities of life and access to markets?\"\n\n" +
159 "\"How can one rebel when the Domain need only control the local Gate to lay siege? Which one world could possibly stand against the " +
160 "entire Domain?\"" + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " gives a grim smirk. \"Now we're stuck here, besieged by the Domain. There's no one " +
161 "to accept our surrender but some dead Gates.\"";
162 }
163 });
165 // 11 Galatia Academy
166 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
167 @Override
168 public String getText() {
169 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
170 return "\"The Galatia Academy? Oh yes, yes, I once attended. And taught there too, if you'd believe it. For quite a few cycles. " +
171 "They figured me out as a troublemaker soon enough, but I was slippery. I played the game. Me! Hah, would you believe that? " +
172 hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " laughs at some old memory. \"Made a few enemies too, I did.\"\n\n" +
173 "\"Did you hear who they put in charge of the Academy? Anahita Baird! Can you believe it? The wolf is tending the sheep now, and that's the " +
174 "truth. The Hegemony has no idea what they've done,\" " + hd.getHeOrShe() + " cackles. \"No idea!\"";
175 }
176 });
178 // 12 Baikal Daud
179 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
180 @Override
181 public String getText() {
182 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
183 return "\"With Baikal Daud in the office of High Hegemon, I can't help but wonder at what mark his administration will make on the " +
184 "Phoenix of the Persean Sector. The old guard still dominates the navy - that's the Eventide contingent. Those families go back " +
185 "to the arrival of the 14th in the Sector. It's not an old aristocracy by any historical standard, but the pattern is " +
186 "established quickly enough given the correct conditions. Where was I- yes, Daud. Man of the people. Ruffles feathers. Like when he " +
187 "intervened personally in the Sphinx ensigns scandal. Hegemons simply don't do that. But he's a born leader, none can deny it. That's " +
188 "what is really going to get him in trouble.\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " stares out at nothing, thoughtfully.";
189 }
190 });
192 // 13 Artemisia Sun
193 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
194 @Override
195 public String getText() {
196 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
197 return "\"In my circles- that's historians, mind you, not just old folks hanging around the bar,\" " + hd.getHeOrShe() + " chuckles at " +
198 hd.getHisOrHer() + " self-deprecation, \"-We've made a rule not to argue about Artemisia Sun unless legitimate new information appears. " +
199 "And it never does!\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " pauses for a moment. \"But you're not a historian, so the rule doesn't apply. Great!\"\n\n" +
200 "\"So: Why was she voted off the board just in time for the crucial military disaster of the Second AI War, then able to sweep back into " +
201 "her office with the credibility of all who opposed her absolutely annihilated? Was it merely a ruthless recovery, or was it a calculated " +
202 "sacrifice of Tri-Tachyon assets in order to consolidate personal power?\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " smiles. \"Maybe we can hash this theory " +
203 "all the way through one of these days.\"";
204 }
205 });
207 // 14 Ludd
208 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
209 @Override
210 public String getText() {
211 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
212 return "\"How we long for some incidental recording of even one of Ludd's speeches or acts. Incredible, is it not, how all evidence seems " +
213 "to have disappeared? This, hrm, 'miracle' is of course a point of faith among followers of the Church of Galactic Redemption.\"\n\n" +
214 hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " raises an eyebrow at you. \"And, officially, a point of policy for the Hegemony, which seeks to appease these faithful.\" " +
215 hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " furrows " + hd.getHisOrHer() + " brow in frustration, \"As a historian, of course, this vexes me to no end. " +
216 "History as experienced by the common person may be a story society tells itself, and distorted as such. Even still! It must be grounded " +
217 "in facts!\"\n\n" +
218 "\"Of course if I did discover a holovid of Ludd's Trial, some fanatic would murder me soon enough for releasing it. Not that I could " +
219 "help myself.\" " + hd.getUCHeOrShe() + " smiles impishly, then considers. \"If you do ever find one, you'd give me a copy, wouldn't you?\"";
220 }
221 });
223 // 15 smuggling
224 backstory.add(new BaseBackstory() {
225 @Override
226 public String getText() {
227 HistorianData hd = HistorianData.getInstance();
228 return "\"You wouldn't believe how much of my work involves reviewing cargo manifests. I have an old student who works on Agreus " +
229 "who sends me copies they lift off scrapped memory cores. Most of the real secrets are wiped, of course, but the story is there, " +
230 "between the lines. History is written in logistics!\n\n" +
231 "Take for instance the quantity of food and supplies that disappear en route on trade routes that skim the " +
232 "edges of the Core Worlds. A simple statistical sampling suggests that a significant percent of all economic activity in the " +
233 "Sector is 'off the books', as they say, and a significant portion of that goes straight to what are called 'pirates' and " +