1package com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.hullmods;
5import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BaseHullMod;
6import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.MutableShipStatsAPI;
7import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI;
8import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI.HullSize;
9import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.WeaponAPI;
10import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.WeaponAPI.WeaponType;
11import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.listeners.WeaponBaseRangeModifier;
12import com.fs.starfarer.api.ui.Alignment;
13import com.fs.starfarer.api.ui.TooltipMakerAPI;
14import com.fs.starfarer.api.util.Misc;
24 if (!Misc.isAutomated(stats)) {
31 ship.addListener(
new EnergyBoltCohererRangeModifier());
34 public static class EnergyBoltCohererRangeModifier
implements WeaponBaseRangeModifier {
35 public EnergyBoltCohererRangeModifier() {
38 public float getWeaponBaseRangePercentMod(ShipAPI ship, WeaponAPI weapon) {
41 public float getWeaponBaseRangeMultMod(ShipAPI ship, WeaponAPI weapon) {
44 public float getWeaponBaseRangeFlatMod(ShipAPI ship, WeaponAPI weapon) {
45 if (weapon.isBeam())
return 0f;
46 if (weapon.getType() == WeaponType.ENERGY || weapon.getType() == WeaponType.HYBRID) {
47 if (Misc.isAutomated(ship)) {
67 public void addPostDescriptionSection(TooltipMakerAPI tooltip, HullSize hullSize, ShipAPI ship,
float width,
boolean isForModSpec) {
70 Color h = Misc.getHighlightColor();
71 Color bad = Misc.getNegativeHighlightColor();
74 if (!Misc.isAutomated(ship)) {
75 tooltip.addPara(
"Originally designed by the Tri-Tachyon Corporation for use on its combat droneships, "
76 +
"the coherence field strength has to be dialed down to allow operation on crewed vessels.", opad);
77 tooltip.addPara(
"Increases the base range of all non-beam Energy and Hybrid weapons by %s.", opad, h,
79 tooltip.addPara(
"The coherence field is unstable under combat conditions, with stresses on the hull "
80 +
"resulting in spot failures that release bursts of lethal radiation. "
81 +
"Crew casualties in combat are increased by %s.", opad, h,
84 tooltip.addPara(
"Increases the base range of all non-beam Energy and Hybrid weapons by %s.", opad, h,
88 tooltip.addSectionHeading(
"Interactions with other modifiers", Alignment.MID, opad);
89 tooltip.addPara(
"Since the base range is increased, this range modifier"
90 +
" - unlike most other flat modifiers in the game - "
91 +
"is increased by percentage modifiers from other hullmods and skills.", opad);
void addPostDescriptionSection(TooltipMakerAPI tooltip, HullSize hullSize, ShipAPI ship, float width, boolean isForModSpec)
void applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(ShipAPI ship, String id)
String getDescriptionParam(int index, HullSize hullSize)
void applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(HullSize hullSize, MutableShipStatsAPI stats, String id)
static float CREW_CASUALTIES
boolean shouldAddDescriptionToTooltip(HullSize hullSize, ShipAPI ship, boolean isForModSpec)