Starsector API
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1package com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.skills;
3import java.awt.Color;
5import com.fs.starfarer.api.characters.DescriptionSkillEffect;
7import com.fs.starfarer.api.util.Misc;
9public class AptitudeDesc {
10 public static class Level0 implements DescriptionSkillEffect {
11 public String getString() {
12 //return "The maximum level of all skills governed by this aptitude is limited to the level of the aptitude.";
13 return BaseIntelPlugin.BULLET + "Choose enough skills in lower tiers to unlock the next tier\n"
14 +BaseIntelPlugin.BULLET + "It's possible to skip a tier by taking more skills in lower tiers instead\n"
15 +BaseIntelPlugin.BULLET + "Reaching the top tier requires 4 skill points, plus 1 more to take one of the top skills\n"
16 +BaseIntelPlugin.BULLET + "Taking the second top tier skill requires an additional 2 points spent in lower tier skills\n"
17 +BaseIntelPlugin.BULLET + "Skills that only affect the piloted ship can be made \"elite\" at the cost of a " + Misc.STORY + " point\n"
18 +BaseIntelPlugin.BULLET + "Skills that have been made elite in the past can be re-made elite at no cost\n"
20 ;
21 // pick one to unlock next tier
22 // can wrap around
23 // spend " + Misc.STORY + " points to make elite
24 }
25 public Color[] getHighlightColors() {
26 Color h = Misc.getHighlightColor();
27 Color s = Misc.getStoryOptionColor();
28 return new Color[] {h, h, h, s};
29 }
30 public String[] getHighlights() {
31 return new String[] {"4", "1", "2", "" + Misc.STORY + " point"};
32 }
33 public Color getTextColor() {
34 return Misc.getTextColor();
35 //return null;
36 }
37 }
39// public static class CombatDesc implements DescriptionSkillEffect {
40// public String getString() {
41// return "The maximum level of all skills governed by this aptitude is limited to the level of the aptitude.";
46// }
47// public Color[] getHighlightColors() {
48// Color c = Global.getSettings().getColor("tooltipTitleAndLightHighlightColor");
49// return new Color[] {c};
50// }
51// public String[] getHighlights() {
52// return new String[] {"Mastery"};
53// }
54// public Color getTextColor() {
55// return null;
56// }
57// }